Church just the way Jesus meant for us to be.

Church just the way Jesus meant for us to be.

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Join us as we explore what it means manage our physical posture.  Our modern world of sitting in front of a computer and texting on cell phone have contributed to the age-old problems of posture management.  From walking to lying down, sitting to lounging, poor posture can both create or add to the stresses and pain that we experience in life.  But pain and stress has also deeper roots than the body.  Posture is affected by the foundations of who we are and how our mind manages our world.

Come join Dr. Mohsen Kazemi, Dr. Timothy Quek and Euleen Lord as we speak about the physical, psychological and faith aspects of pain, stress and posture management in our modern age.  October 20, 2024, 12:45 pm at Just Church. Register now at

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